benji shine

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ah, the trade show floor

I'm just back from ninety-minutes-that-felt-like-three-days wandering the trade show floor.
I saw some cool things:

Kodak's new 3D display technology: "Autostereoscopic Display:" (Sorry, no url on promotional materials!) I stuck my head into a cowl, and the lenses focused the light onto my eyes. It was easy to position my head to have an adequate view. I can't say I was blown away by stereo, but the brightness and contrast was definitely great. The new mobile version (on a cart -- not something you'd carry in a briefcase) targeted at medical applications, is $23,500, which is remarkably inexpensive for a 3D stereo display of this quality. Perhaps Brown needs one.

The huge alias booth had so much going on that I couldn't take it all in. Apparently they have whole product lines I've never seen: Alias Studio? I got a bunch of demo cd's, so I'll figure it out. They also sell "MasterClasses" in maya, which sound good. I'd like to learn from a master. I don't have a completely cogent reason for needing to learn maya, though.

PI Engineering had a moderately cool programmable USB button pad. A variety of pads, actually, in a variety of sizes. I could see this being useful for VR.