No love.
Re-running the installer didn't work.
I called tech support. We ran disk utility, and the disk reported that it was fine. Then we did erase and install, but that failed too. Now it's blinking at me... the "I can't find a system disk" blink.
...and I'm on hold with tech support again.
In other news, Josh is back!!! I'm planning to spend the incredibly blizzardy weekend holed up in the cave finishing the screen port and watching ROTK ee. Possibly at the same time -- Dmitri hasn't yet figured out how to watch movies on the cave screens, but we've got a big mac G5 (which works) and dolby 5.1 surround sound.
Maybe I'll even bring in my radiant heater so that I can stand to be in the cave, where it's a balmy 66 degrees most of the time. Mmm, radiant heater, cave, ROTK ee, Joshy, and warm chocolate chip cookies! If only I could bring the kittens in to the cave.
I'm still on hold with tech support. So far we've zapped the parameter ram (cmd-option-p-r) and done something else (boot with option held down) and booted to open firmware (cmd-option-o-f). Still no joy.