benji shine

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twenty four hours without designers
Sometimes I like to pretend I'm nearly a designer, but then I get reminded that I'm lost without the real designers. One of them is at the roller derby and the other is on a farm in Pennsylvania. I'm working on adding a little tidbit to the promotional sequence, from a rather lovely comp. I built out the static view, but then when I went to integrate it into the animation sequence, I had no idea how to animate it.
"Fine," I think, "I'll just fade it in." Nope, Flash doesn't allow for text's opacity to be anything but zero or one. I'm sure Bret knows a trick for doing this, but he's on the aforementioned farm. Then I think, "maybe I can slide it in? the sliding looks so nice when Bret does it." But no. We've already got one thing sliding on the screen, so the other thing sliding too would look wrong.
I'm a coder, though, so I'll do a little refactoring to prepare for when the designers tell me how they want it to act. I miss them. Come back soon, designers.