Oh, dear.
On December 18, I finally brought my mac into the Brown Computer Store. I already had a dispatch number from apple -- that is, apple had heard all about my powerbook's problem, agreed that it was covered by applecare, and told me to bring it in to a licensed apple reseller to be sent back to apple. So I did. I got a receipt, and a salesman's assurance that they would mail it to apple straightaway. Every few days since then, I've been checking my repair status on the mac support system... but it doesn't turn up. Tonight I called Apple, and talked to someone in dispatch, who said that they hadn't received my computer. Um. This is not so good.
Yes, I had backups. Backups like mad.Go me.
She said, though, that if Brown has indeed lost it, that they will somehow make it right with me -- either give me a replacement, or a refund. Can anyone say "Sascha wants a 12" iBook G4"? In fact, a 12" iBook G4 would probably be a better machine than my 15" 667 Mhz powerbook g4.
Still, sigh. The brown computer store people are rather idiotic. I tried to buy my mac from them two years ago, and they just couldn't get it right. I ended up driving to a store in Palo Alto and buying one off the shelf. No, I didn't drive to Palo Alto from Providence. Don't be silly.
My mac has been borked since... sometime this summer. I flew with it out to Microsoft, and at the airport where I changed planes, I noticed that it took >20 minutes to reboot. That's not so good. From there on it's been downhill. Luckily, my job keeps me supplied with fast tasty computers. If that mac was my only machine, I would be so screwed by now.
Is borked a word, or just something I glommed onto from my brother's typo in an iChat window?