I love my manager

I asked Sarah for a "management interlude" this morning, to help me set priorities for today. We got on the phone and the first thing she said was, "You don't have to work today, you know." That is so non-Web1.0 I love it. Because, of course, I want to work today. I told her, "Well, maybe I'll take more naps than usual, or work more in pajamas than usual." We agreed that was a good idea. Sarah has also said, she works the first eight hours a day on what's most important to Laszlo, then after that, on what she wants to do. This is perhaps the 50-hours-a-week version of the 20% project. I could do with a few fewer projects though. Side projects reproduce like bunnies who mate with other people's ideas. Current side projects:

  • secret cool thing to improve laszlomail usability

  • book chapter on visual effects for laszlo

  • laszlo viewer for delicious library

  • learn cocoa programming