nutritious syntactic sugar

Is syntactic sugar just tasty, or does it actually improve the language? Depends on your definition of "improve," I suppose. I just found a ruby idiom in Agile Web Development with Rails that can make a very common, wordy coding task short and clear. We often have to say "give me a thing, and if it doesn't exist yet, make one for me."
In Java:

public cart findCart() {
if (cart == null) cart = new Cart();
return cart;
In Ruby, this can be expressed as...
def find_cart 
session[:cart] ||=

The or-equals operator belongs in a dynamic language, where expressions that evaluate to booleans can also be very nice rvalues. These three lines of code show off a few things about Ruby that might be mistaken for syntactic sugar, but actually make the language better:

  • Avoid unnecessary punctuation.

  • Clean syntax for hashes make them almost as readable as member data accessors

  • Most statements are also expressions.

  • Implicit returns.

It's delicious... and nutritious!